Here are some of our most frequently asked questions. If you don’t find the answer you are looking for here, please email us at If your question is specific to your model, please have your model and serial number on-hand.
Where can I find my pellet grill’s model number and serial number?
The model number and serial number of your Broil King® Pellet Grill are located on the sticker under the lid of the pellet hopper.
You’ll need these two key pieces of information before contacting our Customer Support Team.
Why isn’t there a hole for the thermometer probe to go through?
The silicone gasket on the right side of the cookbox does not have a hole initially. You must poke a hole through the gasket with a sharp object or one of the probes when using it for the first time.
What kind of pellets should I use?
Use Broil King® brand pellets or other cooking-grade pellets with your Broil King® Pellet Grill. Our pellets are 100% natural with no added binders or flavourings. They’re also smaller in diameter than most other brands’ pellets, making it easier for your pellet grill to process.
DO NOT use home heating pellets that are meant for wood stoves: they contain harmful and poor-tasting compounds.
Where should I store my wood pellets?
We recommend that you store your pellets indoors in a cool dry place.
Wood pellets are very absorbent and will crumble once exposed to moisture.
How quickly are pellets consumed?
When you’re smoking low and slow, your pellet grill generally burns about 1 lb / 0.5 kg of pellets per hour. When grilling on high, the grill burns about 3.4 – 4 lbs / 1.5 kg of pellets per hour.
Weather can drastically alter these consumption rates. Keep an especially close eye on pellet fuel levels in your hopper on very cold days and stay on top of refills in all conditions.
Can I start my pellet grill with the lid down?
The heavy, billowy smoke that generates during start-up can be very intense and is not ideal for cooking. This initial smoke can snuff the start-up flame, making your grill slow or unable to start.
To prevent the smoke from affecting the start-up of your grill, keep the lid completely open for the first 7-15 minutes, or hook your Broil King® grid lifter into a cooking grid to prop the lid open. Once the start-up smoke has subsided, close the lid, and follow the preheating process.
Why does my pellet grill mysteriously shut off?
1. If your grill shuts off within moments of turning it ON, it could be tripping the GFCI breaker. Ensure your grill is plugged into a dedicated circuit (with nothing else plugged in), and that no other major appliances are attached to the same circuit.
The safety features built into your pellet grill will also shut it off automatically if:
2A. It does not reach 180°F / 82°C after 30 minutes.
2B. It runs out of fuel and the temperature falls below 180°F / 82°C for 30 minutes or more.
In either of these cases, this shutdown mode exists to prevent damage to the unit caused by a fuel-feed error. These safety features prevent pellets from building up in the burn pot and combusting.
To avoid, monitor your fuel levels to ensure that your pellet grill doesn’t run out of fuel. Also ensure you follow the correct start-up procedures in order to achieve clean combustion and avoid a false start.
In extremely cold conditions, it may take longer than 30 minutes to heat the grill to 180°F / 82°C. In that case, at the 20-minute mark, turn off your grill and turn it back on to reset the safety shutoff timer.
3. Your unit may have water damage. A pellet grill is an electric, outdoor appliance and can encounter challenges when saturated with water. If your burn pot has been soaked with rainwater, it can cause the hot rod to short-out and trip a breaker or GFCI. For more information, visit the “Why is my pellet grill tripping the breaker when I turn it on?” tab.
Why is my pellet grill tripping the breaker when I turn it on?
First, ensure the unit is plugged into a dedicated circuit (with nothing else plugged in), and that no other major appliances are attached to the same circuit.
If this doesn’t help, your unit may have water damage. A pellet grill is an electric, outdoor appliance and can encounter challenges when saturated with water. If your burn pot has been soaked with rainwater, it can cause the hot rod to short-out and trip a breaker or GFCI.
To alleviate this issue, start your pellet grill manually:
1. Turn off and unplug your pellet grill.
2. Remove the 4 screws from the controller faceplate.
3. Remove the controller.
4. Disconnect the hot rod wires (two white wires).
5. Remove the grids and all heat plates from the grill.
6. Plug it back in.
7. Turn it on and select the desired cook setting.
8. Light the pellets with a small quantity of pre-lit pellets or pre-lit charcoal.
9. Do not reassemble the grill until the pellets have started their regular burn sequence.
10. Reassemble all parts, then cook normally for 30 minutes.
11. Reconnect the hot rod wires since they should now be dry and operational.
How to clear an auger jam?
Some REGAL models and ALL CROWN models will have an L-shaped service panel with access through the SIDE of the hopper. If you have this pellet grill, proceed to answer “A.”
Some REGAL models and ALL BARON models will have a single service panel with access through the BOTTOM of the hopper. If you have this pellet grill, proceed to answer “B.”
A. For pellet grills with a SIDE service panel, watch this how-to video or proceed with the following steps:
1. Ensure the hopper is empty of ALL pellets.
2. Remove the 4 screws from the side panel of your hopper and set it aside.
3. Undo the wire fastener. Uncouple the auger power wires from the controller.
4. Remove the 4 screws from the front of the motor assembly.
5. Remove the set screw from the bottom of the motor. Remove the auger and motor assembly. If needed, use a screwdriver as a lever to pry the auger/motor assembly out of the auger housing.
6. Clear the auger tube of ALL remaining debris to dislodge any blockages.
7. Reinstall the auger/motor assembly. Reinstall all remaining pieces in the opposite order of removal (STEPS 5 – 2).
8. Reconnect your pellet grill to power and turn it ON. If the auger motor begins to turn easily, the repair has been a success!
B. For pellet grills with a BOTTOM service panel, watch this how-to video or proceed with the following steps:
1. Ensure the hopper is empty of ALL pellets.
2. Remove the 5 screws from the hopper’s BOTTOM PANEL and set it aside.
3. Unscrew the antenna nut (the shortest wire), located inside of the hopper.
4. Carefully cut the zip tie around the wires inside of the hopper. DO NOT cut or damage any wires.
5. Remove the 4 screws from the front of the controller. Pull the controller out a few inches.
6. Uncouple all of the controller wires, keeping track of pairs, and safely set the controller aside.
7. Inside of the hopper, unscrew and remove the hopper screen. Remove the 4 screws above the auger motor.
8. Remove the 8 screws that hold the hopper to the cookbox: 4 on the front and 4 on the rear of the hopper. Safely remove the hopper and set it aside.
9. Remove the 4 screws from the side of the motor. Under the auger housing, remove the set screw. Carefully remove the auger and motor. If needed, use a screwdriver as a lever to pry the auger/motor assembly out of the auger housing.
10. Clear the auger tube of ALL remaining debris to dislodge any blockages.
11. Reinstall the auger/motor assembly. Reinstall all remaining pieces in the opposite order of removal (STEPS 9 – 2).
12. Reconnect your pellet grill to power and turn it ON. If the auger motor begins to turn easily, the repair has been a success!
If your pellet grill continues to jam, please contact your local Customer Support Team for further instructions.
All I have left is pellet dust. Can I use that in my grill?
Pellet dust is extremely flammable and can become airborne.
It could also ruin the great taste of grilled foods.
If there is only pellet dust left in your burn pot, clear it out using the agitator and discard safely.
Do not use or burn this pellet dust.
How do I empty my pellet hopper?
The door on the back of the hopper is a dump-out hatch for pellets, especially handy when changing pellet flavours.
We also recommend using this hatch to empty the hopper of pellets if it will be out of use for a week or more, and before putting it into storage.
First, ensure your unit is turned OFF. Place a container below the hatch to catch the pellets. Loosen one of the wing screws, lift the hatch door, and allow the pellets to pour out of the hopper. You may have to agitate the pellets inside the hopper to remove as many as possible.
Once you’ve emptied your hopper of all leftover pellets, turn your grill ON and let it run. This will burn up any remaining pellets that are left in the auger and automatically shut off when there’s nothing left to burn.
Wood pellets are very absorbent of moisture and will turn into pulpy mess if left outside for an extended period of time. Stagnant pellets could cause issues with the performance of your grill if they are left to expand and crumble in the auger.
What do I do if I run out of pellets while cooking?
Monitor your pellet levels while grilling and top up the hopper at any point during your cook. When adding new pellets, keep in mind that it takes the auger 15 – 20 minutes to move pellets from the hopper to the burn pot.
Once the grill runs out of pellets, the temperature will drop: if the grill remains below 180°F / 82°C for 30 minutes, it will automatically shut off.
Once the timer has begun, it is possible to dump in new pellets and continue grilling, BUT the heavy, billowy smoke that generates during a new start-up can be very intense and is not ideal for cooking.
Instead, it is best to remove your food, turn the grill OFF, and then back ON. Allow it to go through a new start-up cycle, put your food back on the grill, and continue with your cook.
Can I operate my grill with a broken electrical wire?
No. It is not safe to operate the unit if the ground plug or wires are broken, missing, exposed, cut, damaged, or otherwise compromised.
Discontinue use immediately and contact our Customer Support Team for a replacement part.
What do I do if my pellet grill has broken or missing parts?
It is not safe to operate the unit if any parts are broken, missing, or otherwise compromised.
Discontinue use IMMEDIATELY.
Collect the model and serial number of your grill (located under the lid of the hopper) and contact our Customer Support Team for replacement parts.
How do I change between °C and °F?
There are two ways to do this.
To change between °C and °F, simply hold down the GEAR icon for 5 seconds. The display units on the screen will switch from one unit of measurement to the other.
You can also do this in the app. In your list of devices in the iQue app, click on the GEAR icon in the top right corner of the tile. From here, you can easily toggle between °C and °F.
What is the minimum and maximum operational temperature of my pellet grill?
The Broil King Pellet Grill operates comfortably between 200°F / 93°C and 600°F / 316°C in optimal conditions.
How long will it take to reach the temperature that I set?
Depending on the temperature you’ve selected, it can take between 30 – 45 minutes to preheat your grill.
There are factors that can affect your preheat time, like the cleanliness of the burn pot, the quality or condition of your pellets, and the outdoor temperature.
The initial heat cycle will cause the temperature inside of the cookbox to rise higher (40 – 50°F / 5 – 10°C) than your set temperature. After a few minutes, the on-board PID controller will allow the grill to cool down and return to the temperature you selected (within 10°F / 5°C, or even tighter in ideal conditions).
How large are the temperature swings once I’ve set my target temperature?
The initial heat cycle, which takes between 30 – 45 minutes, will cause the temperature inside of the cookbox to rise higher (40 – 50°F / 15 – 25°C) than your set temperature. After a few minutes, the on-board PID controller will allow the grill to cool down and return to the temperature you selected (within 10°F / 5°C, or much tighter in ideal conditions).
External factors, such as opening the lid or extreme weather conditions, may cause variations in temperature. If the temperature dips or swings, the on-board PID controller is designed to compensate and return the grill to its target temperature.
If the temperature that your grill is operating at and the temperature on the display screen do not match, you may need to recalibrate or replace your thermometer probe.
Keep in mind that the temperature displayed on the pellet smoker controller is a calculated average and will likely not match most single spot checks of the actual cooking surface.
How do I change the target temperature while cooking?
For Crown or Baron models:
Use the quick-set buttons (SMOKE/ROAST/GRILL) or press the up/down arrows, then press the GEAR button to lock in the temperature.
For Regal models:
Turn the knob to the desired temperature, then press the knob in. For fine adjustments, press the knob in and turn while depressed to change the temperature in 1-degree increments.
The on-screen temperature will flash a few times to signify that it has been set.
Once the temperature is set, the screen will return to showing the current temperature of your grill and feed fuel to achieve the new set temperature.
How do I set a target temperature for meat probes 1 and 2?
1. To set a new target temperature for your meat probe thermometers, start by hitting the GEAR button: one time for PROBE 1 or two times for PROBE 2. On the controller screen, the bottom-left box (for PROBE 1) or the bottom-right box (for PROBE 2) will start to flash.
For Crown or Baron models:
Press the up/down arrows, then press the GEAR button to lock in the temperature.
For Regal models:
Turn the knob to the desired temperature, then press the knob in.
For fine adjustments, press the knob in and turn while depressed to change the temperature in 1-degree increments.
3. The on-screen temperature will flash a few times to signify that it has been set.
4. Once the temperature is set, the screen will return to showing the current temperature of your grill.
My pellet grill is on ON FIRE!
Immediately turn OFF your pellet grill, unplug it at the source, then close the lid. This will deprive the fire of oxygen, and slow then stop combustion. A small fire will go out without any additional effort. A larger fire will take more time.
In the event of a fire: we need to determine what kind of fire you’re experiencing.
If there are flames coming from the grease tray or drip pan, shooting up through the cooking grates, you likely have a GREASE FIRE.
If it is a large fire: extinguish the flames using baking soda or a fire extinguisher.
NEVER use water to put out a grease fire: this will cause the fire to flare and is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS.
Once the fire has been extinguished and your pellet grill has cooled, thoroughly clean all internal components.
Remember to also clean these parts on a regular basis to avoid grease fires altogether.
If you have flames coming from deep within the grill and a large amount of smoke, you may have a PELLET FIRE.
When cool, remove the cooking grates, grease management system and ALL of the pellets in and around the burn pot, then clean your grill thoroughly.
Also remember that either of these types of fires are completely avoidable with regular maintenance. Clearing out the ash tray after every cook and scraping out the grease management system on a regular basis (~1/month) or after any greasy cook (such as brisket or pork shoulder) will effectively prevent either of these types of fires.
Why ISN’T my pellet grill smoking very much?
The set temperature determines the amount of smoke that’s generated: the higher the temperature, the less smoke that’s generated.
On the smoke setting, more smoke is produced at longer intervals.
When cooking above 350°F / 175°C, the burn pot has an active flame most of the time, resulting in less smoke.
Why is there smoke coming out of THE HOPPER?
Air will escape around the hopper while the pellets start burning. As your pellet grill gets hotter, it establishes a convective flow that will draw the smoke up and out of the chimney or vent instead.
Smoke coming from the hopper could also be an indication of low pellet fuel levels. Check inside the pellet hopper for fuel levels and top up regularly.
Why is there smoke and/or hot embers BETWEEN THE COOKBOX AND HOPPER?
The space between the cookbox and pellet hopper acts as a buffer between the two.
If pellets fall into this high-heat space, they could smolder and eventually smoke.
Turn your pellet grill off and wait for it to cool, then safely clear any pellets that may have fallen in.
To prevent this from happening, clean this gap regularly and avoid spilling into this gap in the future.
Why is there smoke coming out from UNDER THE CENTER of my pellet grill/ash try?
Air will escape from the underside of your grill while the pellets start burning. As your pellet grill gets hotter, it establishes a convective flow that will draw the smoke up and out of the chimney or vent instead.
If your grill is brand new or you’ve recently cleaned the burn pot, this is perfectly normal. Once a fine layer of ash has accumulated on top of the sifting mechanism, smoke will stop flowing in that direction. Remember to sift your burn pot after every cookout and empty the ash catcher regularly.
If there is smoke coming from the ash tray and the agitator isn’t working, a blockage could be preventing the sifter from rotating and successfully agitating.
To check the sifter and burn pot, first remove the heat plates, cooking grids, and grease management system. Next, remove the 2 screws from the front of the agitator and carefully remove the agitator from the front of the grill. Clear any pellets or debris lodged between the bottom of the burn pot and the sifter. Ensure the sifter plate is positioned correctly: it should be flush with the bottom of the burn pot.
Why is there smoke coming out from UNDER THE LEFT SIDE of my pellet grill/grease trap?
Air will escape from the underside of your grill while the pellets start burning. As your pellet grill gets hotter, it establishes a convective flow that will draw the smoke up and out of the chimney or vent instead.
If your grill is brand new or you have just cleaned the grease trap, this is perfectly normal.
Why is my GREASE TRAY OVERFLOWING and/or emitting dark, foul-smelling SMOKE?
Check your grease tray before every cook and empty it to prevent overflow. Also check for built-up grease or debris everywhere between the grease drain tube and the grease tray; clean if needed. This will stop built-up grease from smoking, which could result in a grease fire or dark grey smoke with an unappetizing scent.
Use foil liners in your grease tray to make cleanup considerably easier. Broil King® Disposable Drip Pans (part # 50417) can be found at your local Broil King® dealer or select online retailers.
Priming your grease tray before every use is another option. This will lower the boiling point of the oil to keep it cool and prevent the grease from combusting.
To prime: add about ¼ cup of water to your grease tray before every cook.
My pellet grill is ON FIRE! What do I do?
Immediately turn OFF your pellet grill, unplug it at the source, then close the lid. This will deprive the fire of oxygen, and slow then stop combustion. A small fire will go out without any additional effort. A larger fire will take more time.
In the event of a fire: we need to determine what kind of fire you’re experiencing.
If there are flames coming from the grease tray or drip pan, shooting up through the cooking grates, you likely have a GREASE FIRE.
If it is a large fire: extinguish the flames using baking soda or a fire extinguisher.
NEVER use water to put out a grease fire: this will cause the fire to flare and is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS.
Once the fire has been extinguished and your pellet grill has cooled, thoroughly clean all internal components.
Remember to also clean these parts on a regular basis to avoid grease fires altogether.
If you have flames coming from deep within the grill and a large amount of smoke, you may have a PELLET FIRE.
When cool, remove the cooking grates, grease management system and ALL of the pellets in and around the burn pot, then clean your grill thoroughly.
Also remember that either of these types of fires are completely avoidable with regular maintenance. Clearing out the ash tray after every cook and scraping out the grease management system on a regular basis (~1/month) or after any greasy cook (such as brisket or pork shoulder) will effectively prevent either of these types of fires.
I’m using my grill for the first time. Why does it smell like burnt machine oil?
During the manufacturing process, oil is used to lubricate metal surfaces.
We take steps to remove the majority of it, but trace amounts can be left behind
Why is my auger making so much noise?
As the auger grinds wood pellets, it makes a creaking sound as the hard pellets are forced against the hard metal of the auger tube.
The level of sound it produces is the result of the size of the pellets: the larger the pellet, the louder the sounds can be.
We intentionally design our Broil King® Pellets with a smaller diameter (5.5mm / 0.21”) than most of our competitors (6.6mm – 7.1mm / 0.26” – 0.28”). Smaller pellets are easier for the auger and motor to move, making for a quieter grilling experience.
Why is my grease tray overflowing and/or emitting dark, foul-smelling smoke?
Check your grease tray before every cook and empty it to prevent overflow. Also check for built-up grease or debris everywhere between the grease drain tube and the grease tray; clean if needed. This will stop built-up grease from smoking, which could result in a grease fire or dark grey smoke with an unappetizing scent.
Use foil liners in your grease tray to make cleanup considerably easier. Broil King® Disposable Drip Pans (part # 50417) can be found at your local Broil King® dealer or select online retailers.
Priming your grease tray before every use is another option. This will lower the boiling point of the oil to keep it cool and prevent the grease from combusting.
To prime: add about ¼ cup of water to your grease tray before every cook.
Why isn’t my fan running?
The connectors could be loose or unplugged.
To check the wires, remove the 4 screws from the front of the controller, then inspect the connection wires between the controller and the fan for damage.
Next, ensure nothing is obstructing the fan or the fan’s power wires. Occasionally, wiring can shift and obstruct the fan blades. This results in a “ticking” sound as the fan strikes a wire.
A “whirring” or “pulsing” sound is normal while the grill is set to temperatures lower than 230°F / 110°C.
What do I do if I run out of pellets while cooking?
Monitor your pellet levels while grilling and top up the hopper at any point during your cook. When adding new pellets, keep in mind that it takes the auger 15 – 20 minutes to move pellets from the hopper to the burn pot.
Once the grill runs out of pellets, the temperature will drop: if the grill remains below 180°F / 82°C for 30 minutes, it will automatically shut off.
Once the timer has begun, it is possible to dump in new pellets and continue grilling, BUT the heavy, billowy smoke that generates during a new start-up can be very intense and is not ideal for cooking.
Instead, it is best to remove your food, turn the grill OFF, and then back ON. Allow it to go through a new start-up cycle, put your food back on the grill, and continue with your cook.
Why does my pellet grill mysteriously shut off?
1. If your grill shuts off within moments of turning it ON, it could be tripping the GFCI breaker. Ensure your grill is plugged into a dedicated circuit (with nothing else plugged in), and that no other major appliances are attached to the same circuit.
2. The safety features built into your pellet grill will also shut it off automatically if:
A. It does not reach 180°F / 82°C after 30 minutes.
B. It runs out of fuel and the temperature falls below 180°F / 82°C for 30 minutes or more.
In either of these cases, this shutdown mode exists to prevent damage to the unit caused by a fuel-feed error. These safety features prevent pellets from building up in the burn pot and combusting.
To avoid, monitor your fuel levels to ensure that your pellet grill doesn’t run out of fuel. Also ensure you follow the correct start-up procedures in order to achieve clean combustion and avoid a false start. In extremely cold conditions, it may take longer than 30 minutes to heat the grill to 180°F / 82°C. In that case, at the 20-minute mark, turn off your grill and turn it back on to reset the safety shutoff timer.
3. Your unit may have water damage. A pellet grill is an electric, outdoor appliance and can encounter challenges when saturated with water. If your burn pot has been soaked with rainwater, it can cause the hot rod to short-out and trip a breaker or GFCI. For more information, visit the “Why is my pellet grill tripping the breaker when I turn it on?” tab.
HOW TO perform a factory reset.
Sometimes, a factory reset may be required to remove any firmware updates that could be causing your pellet grill to malfunction.
Before beginning, please note:
– A factory reset can only be performed on 2021 Regal and Crown models with a serial number between L910834 – L910869 or greater than M900000.
– Factory resets cannot be undone.
– In most cases, a firmware update is required after the reset to complete the process.
– If you have any questions, please contact our knowledgeable Customer Support Team at any time.
To perform a factory reset:
Unplug your pellet grill from its power source for 20 seconds, then plug it back in.
Press the POWER button to turn the unit ON.
Press and hold the POWER button, then the GEAR button, and hold both down for 3 seconds. Your pellet grill will then BEEP and flash RES (“reset”) on the screen of your controller.
In the next 1 – 15 seconds (no later than 20 seconds), repeat STEP 3: press and hold the POWER button, then the GEAR button, and hold both down for 3 seconds. The screen will brighten, then the controller will BEEP 4 times.
Your controller will then automatically restart itself. The original factory settings are now restored.
Reconnect the app to your pellet grill and update the firmware from the grill settings page.
HOW TO perform a baseline test.
A baseline test can be used to find out where an issue is stemming from.
Ensure your grill is turned OFF. Once cool, remove the grids, heat plates and heat deflectors.
Locate the hatch on the back of your hopper. Loosen its screws and use it to empty ALL remaining pellets from the hopper.
Once you’ve emptied your hopper of ALL pellets, turn your grill ON and let it run.
If the hot rod is working, this will burn up any remaining pellets that are left in the auger, then automatically shut off when there’s nothing left to burn.
Once cool, look into the cookbox and confirm that the auger is completely clear of ALL pellets.
Now that we are back to the baseline, we’ll confirm that all mechanical components are working. Without adding any pellets, turn your empty grill back ON.
If the auger is still jamming, even without pellets inside, the auger could be bent or burred.
Remove the auger from the auger tube and look through the hole to see if the interior is rough or misshapen.
If you see a buildup of rust, ash, or backed-up gunk, use sandpaper to buff any rough spots, then re-install your auger.
For further information or parts, contact your local Customer Support Team.
HOW TO change out the digital controller.
The digital controller is the brain of your pellet grill. Your grill may sometimes require a new controller: thankfully, switching it is quick and easy. Controllers are available from our Customer Support Team or some local dealers.
If you have a REGAL or CROWN 2020 model with an L-shaped service panel, with access through the SIDE of the hopper, proceed to answer “A.”
If you have a REGAL or BARON 2019 model with a single service panel, with access through the BOTTOM of the hopper, proceed to answer “B.”
A. For 2020 models with a service panel on the SIDE of the hopper, watch this video ( or proceed with the following steps:
1. Unplug your grill. Unscrew the antenna from the bottom of the hopper.
2. Remove the 4 screws from the side of the hopper. Going in through the side is the easiest way to remove the nut from the antenna wire.
3. Unscrew the antenna nut that holds the antenna wire in place at the bottom of the hopper. The antenna wire is the thin black wire.
4. Carefully cut just the cable ties that bundle the wires inside of the hopper.
5. Uncouple all the connectors that connect the controller to the power source, fuel sensor (PRO models only), auger, fan, hot rod, and cookbox thermometer probe.
6. Remove the 4 screws from the front of the controller display and carefully pull the controller unit out of your pellet grill.
7. Install the new controller and reassemble the remaining components in the opposite order. There is a wiring diagram on the back of your controller that specifies which connectors couple up.
B. For 2019 models with a service panel on the BOTTOM of the hopper, watch this video ( or proceed with the following steps:
1. Unplug your grill. Unscrew the antenna from the bottom of the hopper.
2. Remove the 5 screws from the bottom of the hopper. Going in through the bottom is the easiest way to remove the nut from the antenna wire.
3. Unscrew the antenna nut that holds the antenna wire in place at the bottom of the hopper. The antenna wire is the thin black wire.
4. Carefully cut just the cable ties that bundle the wires inside of the hopper.
5. Uncouple all the connectors that connect the controller to the power source, fuel sensor (PRO models only), auger, fan, hot rod, and cookbox thermometer probe.
6. Remove the 4 screws from the front of the controller display and carefully pull the controller unit out of your pellet grill.
7. Install the new controller and reassemble the remaining components in the opposite order. There is a wiring diagram on the back of your controller that specifies which connectors couple up.
What kind of pellets should I use?
Use Broil King® brand pellets or other cooking-grade pellets with your Broil King® Pellet Grill. Our pellets are 100% natural with no added binders or flavourings. They’re also smaller in diameter than most other brands’ pellets, making it easier for your pellet grill to process.
DO NOT use home heating pellets that are meant for wood stoves: they contain harmful and poor-tasting compounds.
How do I empty my pellet hopper?
The door on the back of the hopper is a dump-out hatch for pellets, especially handy when changing pellet flavours.
We also recommend using this hatch to empty the hopper of pellets if it will be out of use for a week or more, and before putting it into storage.
First, ensure your unit is turned OFF. Place a container below the hatch to catch the pellets. Loosen one of the wing screws, lift the hatch door, and allow the pellets to pour out of the hopper. You may have to agitate the pellets inside the hopper to remove as many as possible.
Once you’ve emptied your hopper of all leftover pellets, turn your grill ON and let it run. This will burn up any remaining pellets that are left in the auger and automatically shut off when there’s nothing left to burn.
Wood pellets are very absorbent of moisture and will turn into pulpy mess if left outside for an extended period of time. Stagnant pellets could cause issues with the performance of your grill if they are left to expand and crumble in the auger.
HOW TO clear an auger jam.
Some REGAL models and ALL CROWN models will have an L-shaped service panel with access through the SIDE of the hopper. If you have this pellet grill, proceed to answer “A.”
Some REGAL models and ALL BARON models will have a single service panel with access through the BOTTOM of the hopper. If you have this pellet grill, proceed to answer “B.”
A. For pellet grills with a SIDE service panel, watch this how-to video ( or proceed with the following steps:
1. Ensure the hopper is empty of ALL pellets.
2. Remove the 4 screws from the side panel of your hopper and set it aside.
3. Undo the wire fastener. Uncouple the auger power wires from the controller.
4. Remove the 4 screws from the front of the motor assembly.
5. Remove the set screw from the bottom of the motor. Remove the auger and motor assembly. If needed, use a screwdriver as a lever to pry the auger/motor assembly out of the auger housing.
6. Clear the auger tube of ALL remaining debris to dislodge any blockages.
7. Reinstall the auger/motor assembly. Reinstall all remaining pieces in the opposite order of removal (STEPS 5 – 2).
8. Reconnect your pellet grill to power and turn it ON. If the auger motor begins to turn easily, the repair has been a success!
B. For pellet grills with a BOTTOM service panel, watch this how-to video ( or proceed with the following steps:
1. Ensure the hopper is empty of ALL pellets.
2. Remove the 5 screws from the hopper’s BOTTOM PANEL and set it aside.
3. Unscrew the antenna nut (the shortest wire), located inside of the hopper.
4. Carefully cut the zip tie around the wires inside of the hopper. DO NOT cut or damage any wires.
5. Remove the 4 screws from the front of the controller. Pull the controller out a few inches.
6. Uncouple all of the controller wires, keeping track of pairs, and safely set the controller aside.
7. Inside of the hopper, unscrew and remove the hopper screen. Remove the 4 screws above the auger motor.
8. Remove the 8 screws that hold the hopper to the cookbox: 4 on the front and 4 on the rear of the hopper. Safely remove the hopper and set it aside.
9. Remove the 4 screws from the side of the motor. Under the auger housing, remove the set screw. Carefully remove the auger and motor. If needed, use a screwdriver as a lever to pry the auger/motor assembly out of the auger housing.
10. Clear the auger tube of ALL remaining debris to dislodge any blockages.
11. Reinstall the auger/motor assembly. Reinstall all remaining pieces in the opposite order of removal (STEPS 9 – 2).
12. Reconnect your pellet grill to power and turn it ON. If the auger motor begins to turn easily, the repair has been a success!
If your pellet grill continues to jam, please contact your local Customer Support Team for further instructions.
What kind of pellets should I use?
Use Broil King® brand pellets or other cooking-grade pellets with your Broil King® Pellet Grill. Our pellets are 100% natural with no added binders or flavourings. They’re also smaller in diameter than most other brands’ pellets, making it easier for your pellet grill to process.
DO NOT use home heating pellets that are meant for wood stoves: they contain harmful and poor-tasting compounds.
Where can I find my pellet grill’s model number and serial number?
The model number and serial number of your Broil King® Pellet Grill are located on the sticker under the lid of the pellet hopper.
You’ll need these two key pieces of information before contacting our Customer Support Team.
What do I do if my pellet grill has broken or missing parts?
It is not safe to operate the unit if any parts are broken, missing, or otherwise compromised.
Discontinue use IMMEDIATELY.
Collect the model and serial number of your grill (located under the lid of the hopper) and contact our Customer Support Team for replacement parts.
How to I change out the digital controller?
The digital controller is the brain of your pellet grill. Your grill may sometimes require a new controller: thankfully, switching it is quick and easy. Controllers are available from our Customer Support Team or some local dealers.
If you have a REGAL or CROWN 2020 model with an L-shaped service panel, with access through the SIDE of the hopper, proceed to answer “A.”
If you have a REGAL or BARON 2019 model with a single service panel, with access through the BOTTOM of the hopper, proceed to answer “B.”
A. For 2020 models with a service panel on the SIDE of the hopper, watch this video ( or proceed with the following steps:
1. Unplug your grill. Unscrew the antenna from the bottom of the hopper.
2. Remove the 4 screws from the side of the hopper. Going in through the side is the easiest way to remove the nut from the antenna wire.
3. Unscrew the antenna nut that holds the antenna wire in place at the bottom of the hopper. The antenna wire is the thin black wire.
4. Carefully cut just the cable ties that bundle the wires inside of the hopper.
5. Uncouple all the connectors that connect the controller to the power source, fuel sensor (PRO models only), auger, fan, hot rod, and cookbox thermometer probe.
6. Remove the 4 screws from the front of the controller display and carefully pull the controller unit out of your pellet grill.
7. Install the new controller and reassemble the remaining components in the opposite order. There is a wiring diagram on the back of your controller that specifies which connectors couple up.
B. For 2019 models with a service panel on the BOTTOM of the hopper, watch this video ( or proceed with the following steps:
1. Unplug your grill. Unscrew the antenna from the bottom of the hopper.
2. Remove the 5 screws from the bottom of the hopper. Going in through the bottom is the easiest way to remove the nut from the antenna wire.
3. Unscrew the antenna nut that holds the antenna wire in place at the bottom of the hopper. The antenna wire is the thin black wire.
4. Carefully cut just the cable ties that bundle the wires inside of the hopper.
5. Uncouple all the connectors that connect the controller to the power source, fuel sensor (PRO models only), auger, fan, hot rod, and cookbox thermometer probe.
6. Remove the 4 screws from the front of the controller display and carefully pull the controller unit out of your pellet grill.
7. Install the new controller and reassemble the remaining components in the opposite order. There is a wiring diagram on the back of your controller that specifies which connectors couple up.
Where can I find my pellet grill’s model number and serial number?
The model number and serial number of your Broil King® Pellet Grill are located on the sticker under the lid of the pellet hopper.
You’ll need these two key pieces of information before contacting our Customer Support Team.
How does a pellet grill work?
The Broil King Pellet Grill uses a powerful auger to feed wood pellets from the hopper into a steel burn pot in controlled intervals. Here, they are lit by a high-temperature ignition rod and fanned by a powerful electric fan until they combust into flames. This process delivers the temperature set at the control panel and is regulated by the controller.
How much ash does my pellet grill produce?
One 20 lb (9 kg) bag of Broil King wood pellets could produce as little as half a cup of ash, which is between 1% and 3% of its original volume. The small amount of ash generated by your pellet grill is thanks to its very complete combustion. Since our pellets don’t contain any unnecessary additives like fillers or binders, there is very little residue left behind.
What amperage does my pellet grill operate at?
Average consumption = 2.6 amps, with the hot rod, auger, and controller.
Where does the ash go?
Most ash falls into the burn pot and should be cleared after every cook using the agitator on the bottom of your grill.
Ash that doesn’t make it into the burn pot will blow out and settle around the burn pot: we call this “fly ash.” While this is completely normal with pellet grills, a build-up of fly ash will disrupt the performance of your grill.
It is important to clear fly ash frequently, or about every 30-hours of cook time. Remove the cooking grates, grease management system and heat deflector, then use your Broil King Pellet Cleaning Kit or a vacuum to clear out all fly ash.
I took my heat plates out to watch my pellet grill ignite. Why is there a tower of flames?
That “tornado of flames” is what gives our pellet grills their high heat searing ability.
During the initial ignition process, you’ll see the hot rod – that small, super-heated element – heat the pellets in the burn pot until they combust.
The onboard fan then forces air into the burn pot to encourage the pellets to burn at a higher temperature.
From there, more fuel is added, more fire is generated, and that tornado of flames grows.
How many BTUs does my pellet grill produce?
BTUs are a tricky measure for understanding product performance, especially when it comes to pellet grills.
When we design any Broil King® product, our focus is on performance, quality, and most importantly: FLAVOR.
Our pellet grills are designed to reach a searing 600°F across the entire grilling surface to deliver smokehouse-quality results, whether you’re smoking a marathon brisket or roasting that perfect rotisserie chicken.
We equip every one of our cooking systems with:
1. Heavier inner-material thickness
2. A large, efficient burn pot
3. A larger motor
4. Heavy cast iron grids
5. Enhanced controller logic
This entire system delivers supreme heat retention and the most efficient combustion. This is particularly important in cooler climates where outside temperatures can be a major factor in fuel consumption.
Here are the performance specifications for each Broil King Pellet Grill:
To calculate, we’ll use an average outdoor temperature of 74°F / 23°C and a grill temperature of 600°F / 315°F over 1 hour.
Open lid = 4.0 lbs of fuel / hour
Closed lid = 2.4 lbs of fuel / hour
Open lid = 4.4 lbs of fuel / hour
Closed lid = 2.8 lbs of fuel / hour
Open lid = 4.31lbs of fuel/hour
Closed lid = 3.78 lbs of fuel/hour
Open lid = 4.82lbs of fuel/hour
Closed lid = 3.92 lbs of fuel/hour
Auger Motor RPM: 3.6~3.8
Torch: 120
Voltage: 120V. 60Hz. 40W.
Amps: 0.35A.
Therefore, MAX BTU OUTPUT for a:
REGAL PELLET 400 = 36,000 BTU
REGAL PELLET 500 = 40,000 BTU
CROWN PELLET 400 = 34,000 BTU
CROWN PELLET 500 = 35,000 BTU